Mission, Governance and Administration

Self-Study Standard 1

Dean Mira Lowe speaks at the 2022 Grads Are Back Colloquium for the SJGC 40th anniversary celebration.

Executive Summary
The School of Journalism & Graphic Communication (SJGC) at Florida A&M University is a nationally top-ranked HBCU journalism and mass communications program. In 1982, it became the first program of its kind at a historically black university to receive national accreditation. The School of Journalism & Graphic Communication offers the following Bachelor of Science degrees: (1) Broadcast Journalism; (2) Public Relations; and (3) Graphic Design. Of the three programs, Broadcast Journalism and Public Relations are accredited by ACEJMC and are therefore included in this review. The Journalism program is guided by the mission and strategic plan of the University, which coincides with the strategic initiatives of SJGC. Administrators, faculty, and staff work together to promote academic success and student achievement. Faculty regularly participate and provide feedback. Faculty meet via Zoom at least once a month to discuss issues and developments. Other business is handled via email.  

The School of Journalism & Graphic Communication’s strategic plan is developed every five years and is aligned with the University’s strategic plan, Boldly Striking. Both plans expand from 2022-2027. Similar to the University’s development, SJGC engages administrators, faculty, staff, and students in its development of the strategic plan to identify goals, metrics to measure the goals, and a timeline. Both plans focus on five strategic priorities: Student Success, Academic Excellence, Leverage the Brand, Long-Term Fiscal Health and Sustainability, and Organizational Effectiveness and Transformation. By aligning the unit’s goals with the University’s, SJGC is able to allocate resources effectively and work synergistically with other units. This alignment also strengthens FAMU’s branding and performance as it strives to move from Carnegie R2 to R1 status. In consultation with faculty and staff, the dean produced the 2022-2027 SJGC Strategic Plan. The plan’s strategic priorities are the key performance indicators to assess whether an academic enterprise is competitive in the global education market. The dean’s office tracks the trends in national recruitment and retention of students in journalism and public relations and assesses how well our program conforms to those trendlines and whether we are above, at, or below the mean. Having qualified faculty to implement the curriculum and establish the program as a leader in research and creative scholarship is another way to measure the strength of the SJGC brand. Student evaluation of faculty and annual reports on scholarship help the dean’s office identify strengths and areas of improvement. By combining these academic KPIs, SJGC will successfully prepare students for leadership roles in media and communication as it builds its reputation and those of its faculty. 

  1. Provide the web link to the unit’s mission statement. 

Link for SJGC Mission Statement 

SJGC Mission Statement: We prepare students to be confident, multi-platform communicators for an evolving media marketplace, with a pedagogical emphasis on active learning and experiential experiences. 

SJGC Vision Statement: We will be globally recognized as a premier school that produces students with the knowledge, skills, and experience to excel in the digital and traditional aspects of journalism, public relations, and graphic design. 

Core Values: Collaboration, Creativity, Innovation, Professionalism 

  1. Describe the administrative structure of the unit, including to whom the unit administrator reports within the university. Include names and titles. The information should extend from the lowest level of administrative responsibility within the unit to the institution’s chief executive officer.  

The administrative structure of the School of Journalism & Graphic Communication is comprised of two divisions with three majors: (1) Broadcast Journalism, (2) Graphic Design, and (3) Public Relations. The programs in Journalism and Public Relations are under the auspices of a division director since they are both accredited by ACEJMC and Graphic Communication is served by a different division director. Both directors are appointed by the dean of the school and hold 12-month appointments. There is a coordinator for Broadcast Journalism. The criteria and terms of the coordinator appointment are determined in consultation with the division director.  

Academic Administrators 

Broadcast Journalism Coordinator: Kenneth Jones  
The broadcast journalism sequence is led by Professor Kenneth Jones, who reports to Division Director William Jiles. The broadcast journalism sequence coordinator fulfills several service roles for the unit and the University. The sequence coordinator typically teaches two or three courses per semester and oversees J-School Journals, a bi-annual event showcasing student documentaries.  

Journalism Division Director: William Jiles 
The director of the Division of Journalism reports to the dean and associate dean. Professor Jiles is a long-serving faculty member with experience in broadcast journalism, communications, and entrepreneurship. He was appointed division director in August 2019. The director typically teaches two courses per semester but may take on overloads as needed. The journalism director supervises class assignments and resolves issues related to the curriculum. The director handles all day-to-day management tasks and responsibilities, including oversight of scheduling, faculty teaching loads, and unit emergencies. The director serves on several committees and oversees SJGC student organizations and media. Professor Jiles reports to the associate dean on curricular, student and faculty issues and related tasks, and the dean for personnel, workload, and other matters.  

Associate Dean: Felicia McGhee-Hilt 
The associate dean of the School of Journalism & Graphic Communication oversees curricular administration. Dr. McGhee has been the associate dean since July 2023. Before that, she was the department head at her previous institution for five years. She is the instructor of record for the 1-credit Capstone Colloquium (MMC 4922) and coordinates internal management processes and provides leadership for the advising staff, directors of the Journalism-Public Relations and Graphic Communication programs, and oversees school-wide initiatives involving faculty and students.  

Associate Dean: Elaine Bryant 
The associate dean for administrative and fiscal affairs oversees budget and facilities management. Dr. Bryant has been the associate dean since July 2024. Dr. Bryant works with administrative units inside and outside the unit. She oversees aspects of the budget regarding personnel, equipment, events, and facilities for SJGC.  

Dean: Mira Lowe 
The dean is the chief academic officer for the school, providing oversight and leadership for the School of Journalism & Graphic Communication. Dean Lowe has held the position since October 2021. The dean is responsible for the overall budget, fundraising and strengthening relationships with constituents. The dean works closely with the Board of Visitors comprised of alumni and leaders who provide advice and guidance. The dean chairs the All-School Colloquium held once in the Fall semester and once in the Spring. The dean consults with and seeks the advice of appropriate faculty committees on educational policy and school governance. The dean reports to the University provost, Dr. Allyson Watson, who is the chief academic officer of the institution and reports to Interim President Dr. Timothy Beard. Dr. Beard was appointed in July 2024 and reports directly to the Board of Trustees, which is the governing body that oversees the University. The BOT is appointed by the governor and the legislative delegation.  

The following positions are school-level support staff that report to the dean, the associate dean, and the director. 

Administrative Services Coordinator, Genevieve Jean. Provides executive administrative support to the entire school, including the dean, associate deans, director, faculty, staff, and students. She manages and coordinates documentation and paperwork regarding evaluations, expenditures, procurement activities, faculty, and student travel, and serves as the case manager for school tenure and promotion applications. 

Academic Programs Coordinator, John Tornes. Oversees undergraduate advisement at the school and reports to the associate dean. He has a staff of two who handle many of the day-to-day advising tasks. Tornes assists with the retention and recruitment of undergraduate students and works closely with the associate dean and the directors. 

Computer Applications Coordinator, Christian Whitaker. Coordinates all the IT equipment and needs of SJGC, including computer labs, studios, faculty, and staff computing needs. He manages a team of three, one full-time employee and two part-time workers who assist with facility maintenance and IT upkeep. He also oversees the digital communication team responsible for the creation and sharing content on SJGC social media channels, websites and in newsletters. 

TV 20 Station Manager, Edward Thomas. Oversees the TV studio facilities and services, including the equipment and lighting, field equipment checkout, and student training as needed. Mr. Thomas manages the production of FAMU News 20 at Five broadcasts and campus programming. He has one employee to assist with studio maintenance and upkeep.  

Radio Station Manager and Recruitment Representative, Terrence Ward. Oversees WANM-90.5 FM, the SJGC radio station. Mr. Ward also spends time as the SJGC recruiter and travels regularly to events around Florida and South Georgia.  

Internship and Job Placement Coordinator, Ranata Hughes. Manages SJGC’s career services, works with potential employers, and coordinates student internships.  

Administrative Support/Office Managers, Tiffanie Burt and Artency Jean. Provide general administrative support and coordination between faculty, staff, and administration. Ms. Jean assists with course scheduling for the unit. Ms. Burt and Ms. Jean are frontline staff who are typically the first contact with students, alumni, and visitors. They assist all college events and help with planning.

  1. Describe the unit’s process for strategic or long-range planning. Provide the web link to the unit’s strategic or long-range plan. This plan should give the date of adoption/revision and any timeline for achieving stated goals. Discuss how the plan provides vision and direction for the unit’s future and how it has encouraged and contributed to quality and innovation in the unit. Describe who has responsibility for updating the plan and the process for monitoring its effectiveness in driving progress.  

The unit has matched its strategic plan to the University’s strategic plan. The groundwork for the strategic plan began at the all-school retreat in August 2022. Facilitated by a higher ed executive and researcher, the faculty and staff did a SWOT analysis, focusing on what SJGC does well, what SJGC does uniquely, and how we implement and measure what we do. Based on the input and insights from faculty, staff, students and alumni in subsequent meetings and discussions, coupled with institutional data, a plan was developed, and it was approved by the faculty during the 2023-2024 academic year. 

The timeline is as follows:  

August 2022: Initial discussion & SWOT 
August 2023: Strategic goal setting, planning, establishing values 
October 2023: First draft review 
January 2024: University review 
February 2024: Second review 
March 2024: Approved by faculty vote 

The plan was formally adopted in Spring 2024. The specific goals articulated in the SJGC plan provide direction for the unit to decide how best to attain them. For example, having concrete targets to work toward regarding student recruitment and retention helps faculty and staff work together toward a common goal of maximizing student success. SJGC has identified resources dedicated to student academic performance, such as creating a writing lab.  

Link for SJGC Strategic Plan 

The SJGC strategic plan mirrors the University’s strategic plan and relies on the foundational core values of Accountability, Inclusion, Innovation, and Integrity. The SJGC extends the FAMU vision and mission statements by articulating complementary core values of Collaboration, Creativity, Innovation, and Professionalism, followed by SJGC strengths, opportunities, and threats. These provide the foundation for articulating five primary areas where the faculty and administration can channel resources to maximize success. Each area then offers specific targeted goals and suggestions for how they can be reached. The plan denotes the role of faculty, staff, and administration to maximize (1) student success, (2) academic success, (3) leveraging the brand, (4) long-term fiscal health and responsibility, and (5) organizational effectiveness and transformation.  

Link for SJGC Key Performance Indicators 

Key performance indicators are posted on the website. The KPIs provide a vivid visual snapshot of how SJGC has performed across several years in the areas of Customer service/Student satisfaction, FTIC (First Time In College) four-year graduation rates, FTIC six-year graduation rates, second-year retention rates, academic progress rates (second year retention with GPA above 2.0), undergraduate headcount enrollment, new FTIC enrollment, undergraduate degrees awarded to FCS (Florida College System) transfers with AA degrees, undergraduate degrees awarded, and undergraduate degrees awarded to FCS transfers with AA degrees.    

The 2022-2027 strategic plan identifies five specific areas of strategic priority to set the direction of the School and help it focus efforts to reach those goals. The following are the five priorities and three specific action goals which were identified. 

The five strategic priorities, from 2022-2027: 

Priority 1: Student Success: 

  • Increase student enrollment by 20%  
  • Increase student graduation rate by 20% 
  • After graduating, increase the percentage of graduates landing either full-time employment or enrolling in graduate programs within one-year 

Priority 2: Academic Success: 

  • Establish a “Research Circle” so faculty can encourage each other and help each other apply for internal and external research grants 
  • Recruit and retain exceptional faculty and staff by rewarding productivity 
  • Ensure curriculum stays relevant and aligns with the needs of the media workforce  

Priority 3: Leverage the Brand: 

  • Raise the profile of SJGC and stakeholders 
  • Advance global visibility and recognition of SJGC programs, initiatives, and expertise 
  • Increase interdisciplinary and collaborative research opportunities 

Priority 4: Long-Term Fiscal Health Sustainability 

  • Invest in infrastructure, support technology advancement and innovation 

Priority 5: Organizational Effectiveness and Transformation 

  • Foster a culture of high-performing students, faculty, and staff 
  • Build a culture of strategic implementation and accountability 

Action to be taken: To address and actively work toward attaining those goals over the next 12 months (AY 2024-2025), the Division of Journalism has identified three specific short-term goals: (1) Successfully achieve reaccreditation for the Division, (2) Increase fundraising activities through the Board of Visitors and alumni, and (3) Increase the visibility of the School and the Division. 

  1. Provide the web link to where the unit publishes its most recent retention and graduation data. 
  2. Describe the unit’s policies and procedures for faculty governance. Provide in a digital format or make available in the site team workroom a print copy of faculty policy manuals, handbooks, or other documents specifying policies, procedures, and the roles of faculty and students in governance and in the development of educational policy and curriculum.  

Role of Faculty and Students in Governance 

The unit follows the policies and procedures of the University for faculty governance. The Faculty Handbook and the Collective Bargaining Agreement provide information about the roles and responsibilities of faculty. FAMU’s Faculty Senate plays a significant role in the University’s governance, allowing faculty participation in decisions relating to academic standards and policies. SJGC consistently has representation in the Senate, including SJGC Associate Professor Bettye Grable, PhD, who served five years as FAMU Faculty Senate President and Member of the FAMU Board of Trustees. 

The FAMU policy manuals are posted online, including the Faculty Handbook, Collective Bargaining Agreement and Faculty Senate Bylaws. 

Link for Faculty Senate Bylaws 
Link for Other Faculty Resources 

There are several committees in place to facilitate faculty governance at SJGC. The specific charges of each committee are updated on an ad-hoc basis. Specific criteria may be changed or altered within that specific committee and reported at a regular faculty meeting.  

Each year, the dean and director compile a list of faculty committees to manage various tasks and release it to the faculty in early Fall. Committee chairs are appointed by the dean or the director. Some committees rotate members and others may rotate chairs. Each committee has a written charge to guide members on meetings and accomplishing tasks. Some committees have prescribed membership (tenure and promotion committee). Chairs are often re-appointed. Some committees may also have student members. Faculty and administrator searches also have student representatives. Recently, a student council was formed by the dean’s office. This will enable students to have more input in the various areas articulated in the strategic plan.  

Development of Educational Policy and Curriculum 

The SJGC Curriculum Committee has the authority to oversee the curriculum. The committee makes final decisions on curriculum matters and informs the faculty of their resolutions in a timely matter. After evaluating requests for new classes, special topics courses, and other changes, the committee shares their decisions during regular faculty meetings. They may also direct faculty to implement specific course adjustments as needed. Additionally, the committee arranges for industry professionals, often alumni, to assist faculty in course development. Faculty members are welcome to address questions to the committee chair during faculty meetings, time permitting. 

The curriculum committee leads the unit’s initiatives to maintain and update the curricula across various degree programs. They convene regularly and inform the faculty of their decisions, as necessary. 

All full-time faculty (tenure-track, instructor-track, and visiting faculty) are voting members for matters before the faculty. The exception is for tenure and promotion criteria, issues, and decisions, with voting on those matters limited to members of the T&P committee. The votes are anonymous and comply with university T&P processes.  

Faculty play a central role in shared governance, particularly in the areas of tenure and promotion. They are primarily responsible for recommending candidates for tenure and promotion and evaluating their peers to determine eligibility. 

The SJGC Tenure and Promotion Committee revised and adopted the unit’s T&P guidelines in March 2024. The previous tenure and promotion guidelines had not been revised since 2005 and were updated as part of a university-wide initiative to update all colleges and school T&P policies. The tenure and promotion committee examined and matched the criteria for T&P with peer institutions and aspirational institutions while also ensuring expectations compared favorably with other units at FAMU. The full faculty discussed and adopted the revised T&P guidelines in April 2024. 

Link for revised SJGC Tenure and Promotion Guidelines

  1. How often did the faculty meet during the most recent academic year? 

The SJGC journalism and public relations faculty meet monthly, typically on every third Friday. Specific dates in Fall 2024 were August 23, September 23, October 18, November 15. SJGC school-wide meetings were held quarterly, where the dean gives a status report of the School and University. In 2024, a full-day faculty retreat was held August 19, the week before classes started. To accommodate grade submission deadlines and faculty schedules, a second all-school meeting was held October 25.  

Also in Fall 2024, the dean initiated “first faculty meetings” the first Friday of each month. The informal gatherings are to broaden communication and close the loop between faculty, staff, and administration regarding strategic initiatives and tactical efforts involving faculty and staff.  

The SJGC journalism division meetings of the journalism and public relations faculty and staff met regularly, each month during the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 academic year. Minutes are taken and distributed to faculty. Votes to accept the minutes are routinely conducted within one or two meetings afterward.  

The meetings are primarily informational, with unit leaders, committee chairs, and student organization advisors providing updates. Occasionally, faculty members initiate discussion items that result in a vote. Individual faculty and staff also present informational reports and updates at each meeting. Since the meetings typically last around two hours (give or take 30 minutes), formal, in-depth discussions of school issues and policies are limited. Thus, motions and formal voting are rare.

  1. List faculty committees and chairs. List ad-hoc committees in operation at the time of the self-study. 

SJGC Committees for 2024-2025 (distributed September 11, 2024) 

Academic Conduct & Grievances Bettye Grable Douglas Blackburn, Clarence Fowler, Alicia Hope Reviews cases on academic and non-academic issues, including conduct violations.  
Assessment Leah Hunter Bettye Grable, Jeffrey Wilkinson, Stanley Johnson Establishes processes for assessment, promotes continuous improvement.  
Curriculum Kenneth Jones (Fall 2024) / Jeffrey Wilkinson (Spring 2025) William Jiles, Anosh Gill, Carlos Miranda, Alicia Hope, Stanley Johnson, Arionne Nettles, Maureen Tartaglione, Venise Toussaint Reviews and recommends course/program changes, and policy related to academics. 
External Student Awards  Kenneth Jones (Fall 2024) / Anosh Gill (Spring 2025) Leah Hunter, Terrence Ward, Arionne Nettles Reviews and submits student media projects for external awards.  
Scholarships & Internal Student Awards Arionne Nettles Kenneth Jones, Doug Blackburn, Carlos Miranda, Maureen Tartaglione Facilitates the selection and review process for scholarships and awards.  
Research Committee Jeffrey Wilkinson Bettye Grable, Leah Hunter, Hsuan Huang, Anosh Gill Promotes research activities, searches for funding, and reviews proposals.  
Tenure & Promotion Leah Hunter Bettye Grable, Jeffrey Wilkinson, Hsuan Huang, Anosh Gill Mentors and advises on tenure/promotion processes, reviews guidelines. 

SJGC Committees for 2023-2024 (distributed October 30, 2023) 

Univ. Undergraduate Academic Appeals Committee   N/A Wiliam Jiles 
Academic Conduct & Grievances Bettye Grable Doug Blackburn, Kenneth Jones, Ranata Hughes  
Assessment Leah Hunter (JOU/PR), Alicia Hope (GRA)  Bettye Grable, Jeff Wilkinson, Valerie White, Stanly Jonson  
Capstone Policy Review  Jeff Wilkinson  William Jiles, Deborah Thigpen, Kenneth Jones  
Curriculum Kenneth Jones (Fall 2024) / Jeffrey Wilkinson (Spring 2025) William Jiles, Anosh Gill, Valerie White, Carlos Miranda, Alicia Hope, Ranata Hughes  
External Student Awards  Kenneth Jones  Leah Hunter, Terrence Ward, Deborah Thigpen, Anosh Gill  
Scholarships & Internal Student Awards Valerie White  Kenneth Jones, Doug Black Kenneth Jones, Leah Hunter, Anosh Gill, Doug Blackburn, Hsuan Huang, Carlos Miranda  
Univ. Recruitment Data Council / Admissions William Jiles, Anosh Gill Terrence Ward, Ranata Hughes, Christian Whitaker  Alica Hope, Stanley Johnson, Carlos Miranda    
Research Committee Jeffrey Wilkinson Bettye Grable, Leah Hunter, Hsuan Huang, Valerie White   
Retention  Bettye Grable  William Jiles, Anosh Gill, Stanley Johnson  
Tenure & Promotion Jeffrey Wilkinson  Bettye Grable, Leah Hunter, Valerie White, Dr. Hsuan Huang  
Technology Christian Whitaker  Terrence Ward, Edward Thomas, Edward Lloyd, Kenneth Jones, Carlos Miranda 
  1. Describe the faculty’s contributions to the administration and governance of the University. 

The SJGC faculty are extensively involved in the administration and governance of the University. The SJGC has two elected representatives to the Faculty Senate of the University. Senators are elected every April in staggered, two-year terms. Representation includes both tenure-track and instructor-track faculty.  

The following list details specific faculty responsibilities in university administration and governance from 2017-2023: 

Bettye Grable 
Former Faculty Senate President and Former Member of the FAMU Board of Trustees (2014-2019) 

Valerie White 
Former Chair of University Academic Policy Committee (2012-2024) 

Kenneth Jones 
University Curriculum Committee Member (2018-present) 

Leah Hunter 
SJGC Faculty Senate Representative (2019-2021), International Laboratory Accreditation Committee, Tenure and Promotion Committee, Sabbatical Leave and Professional Development Leave Committee, Return to Work Task Force, Ad Hoc Committee on Administration and Faculty Collaboration 

Douglas Blackburn 
SJGC Faculty Senate Representative (2019-2021) 

Hsuan Huang 
SJGC Faculty Senate Representative (2021-2023), Institutional Research Award Committee, University Chief Financial Officer Search Committee, Sabbatical Leave and Professional Development Leave Committee 

Jeffrey Wilkinson 
SJGC Faculty Senate Representative (2021-2024), Faculty Development Advisory Committee  

Mira Lowe 
As Dean, Lowe has also contributed to university administration and governance with service of the following committees:  

  • FAMU Strategic Enrollment Program Communications Committee, 2024-2025 
  • FAMU Strategic Enrollment Program Steering Committee, 2024-2025 
  • FAMU Search Committee Chair, College of Agriculture & Food Sciences Dean, 2023-2024 
  • FAMU Post-Tenure Review Committee, 2023 
  • FAMU Search Committee, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, 2023 
  • FAMU Search Committee, School of Allied Health Sciences Dean, 2022-2023 
  • FAMU Ad Hoc Committee, Administration and Faculty Collaboration, 2022-2023
  1. Describe the process for selecting, appointing, and evaluating unit administrators.

The process of selecting and appointing unit administrators is guided by Florida’s Sunshine Law, found in Chapter 286 of the Florida Statutes. Public university administrator searches are also governed by Fla. Stat. § 1001.741, affirming the power of university presidents to arrange policies and procedures for recruitment and search decisions. Virtually all state and local collegial public bodies are covered by the open meetings requirements. All recruitments for director-level and above positions and faculty recruitments (not including adjunct, visiting positions, instructors, and lecturers) in the Division of Academic Affairs must be conducted under the Florida Sunshine Law. Librarians are considered faculty. 

For more detail here is the link to the University’s Search and Screen process that the unit follows. 

The SJGC conducted a search for a new dean in 2020-2021. The provost assigned the dean of the College of Education to be the committee chair, and a search firm was hired to facilitate the search. Next, a committee was formed consisting of invited faculty, staff, students, and alumni. The position was advertised widely. Several candidates were interviewed via Zoom, and a finalist was selected. When those negotiations were unsuccessful, the search was re-opened during the summer of 2021. Two finalists were selected for final interviews, and the committee unanimously selected the candidate, who was then offered the position and negotiated terms and conditions with the provost. She assumed the role of dean in October 2021.  

Searches were also conducted for associate deans in 2022-2023 and 2023-2024. While the dean conducts annual performance reviews of the support deans, there are regular check-ins on the priorities and goals for the academic year. 

The division director is the front-line manager and serves in multiple roles. The director is the lead administrator and spokesperson for the faculty, staff, and students. The director has authority and responsibility for the delivery of the academic programs in accordance with departmental goals, school priorities and university strategic plans. The director manages the daily operations of the division and addresses the needs and concerns of various SJGC stakeholders. The dean appoints the division director either from among current members of the division or as a result of a national search. The term is a 12-month appointment, and the directors are evaluated annually by the dean.  

Sequence coordinators are appointed in consultation with the dean and/or the director and evaluated annually. Professor Kenneth Jones currently serves as the journalism program coordinator. In April 2024, the faculty discussed the need for a public relations program coordinator to assist the division director with the marketing and recruiting for the PR major and supporting curriculum development and revisions for the PR program. This appointment will be addressed in 2025.  

  1. Describe the unit’s process for timely and equitable resolution of complaints and concerns expressed by faculty, staff, or students.

SJGC actively responds to student complaints or concerns. The SJGC student success office and the director typically handle routine complaints and concerns by undergraduate students. If the dispute involves a grade or class assignment, the student is first advised to meet directly with the teacher of the class. If the issue cannot be resolved, the student typically will arrange to meet with either an advisor, the journalism director, or a dean. If the matter cannot be resolved, a student may be advised to file a formal complaint with the university ombuds office. That complaint is then forwarded to the SJGC Academic Conduct & Grievances Committee.  

Concerns of a more serious nature (which may involve certain conduct or behaviors by faculty, staff, or other students) may be taken to an advisor or administrator and referred to the appropriate university office or beyond.  

Link for SJGC Grievance Forms  
Link for FAMU Appeals and Grievances  

Students are also advised to contact the dean of the school to express a specific concern. The school connects students to offices for additional support at the University for specific issues, such as financial aid, health services, accommodations, and counseling. The FAMU’s Division of Student Affairs provides many student support services to cultivate a safe, healthy, and engaging campus environment.  

Link for the Division of Student Affairs 

Concerns of faculty and staff are often referred to the director. If there is no resolution, faculty and staff can petition the dean. There are also offices available on campus for faculty or staff to seek guidance if they feel they are unable to find a resolution. Off-campus, faculty may work through the UFF/FEA (faculty union) for options.  

The University has a formal grievance procedure for addressing appeals regarding tenure and promotion decisions. 

Self Study 2024 Standards

Exterior of the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication on Orr Drive
Self-Study Part 1 General Information
Self-Study Part 1
Self-Study Part 2 Supplementary Information
Self-Study Part 2
Dr. Bettye Grable teaches SJGC scholars in a public relations course.
Self-Study Standard 2 Curriculum and Instruction
Self-Study Standard 2
Students attend class in the SJGC Lecture Hall.
Self-Study Standard 3 Assessment of Learning Outcomes
Self-Study Standard 3
SJGC faculty and staff gather for their 2024 Fall all-school retreat.
Self-Study Standard 4 Diversity and Inclusiveness
Self-Study Standard 4
Prof. Kenneth Jones engages with students and alumni at an SJGC event.
Self-Study Standard 5 Faculty
Self-Study Standard 5
Internship Coordinator Ranata Hughes and NBCUniversal News Group EVP Yvette Miley with seniors.
Self-Study Standard 6 Student Services
Self-Study Standard 6
SJGC broadcast student does a standup in the TV 20 studio for Election Night coverage.
Self-Study Standard 7 Resources, Facilities and Equipment
Self-Study Standard 7
SJGC Board of Visitors during its Spring 2024 Board meeting on campus
Self-Study Standard 8 Professional and Public Service
Self-Study Standard 8