Adapted from FAMU News
Florida A&M University (FAMU) stakeholders converged upon the Florida capitol last Thursday for a day of lobbying on behalf of the institution. Attendees included Dean Mira Lowe and SJGC student and SGA President Carrington Whigham.
Dean Mira Lowe adressed university leaders and spoke about new goals and programs for the School of Journalism and Graphic Communication, including a new PR agency within the school.
“We are preparing students to be confident, empowered communicators for the digital age,” she said.
During the same leadership gathering, President Larry Robinson. Ph.D., said the success of students and alumni, such as recently sworn St. Petersburg Mayor Ken Welch and St. Paul, Minnesota, Mayor Melvin Carter, attests to the value of the University.
“We have a lot to brag about,” Robinson said. “We have a lot to tell people about why it’s important to invest in the best public Historically Black College and University.”
FAMU Day at the Capitol is designed, Robinson said, “to make elected officials more aware of FAMU’s contributions to enhancing the lives of our students and the livelihood of their communities.”
FAMU is seeking significant support to address improvements in first-time-in-college (FTIC) four-year graduation rates, FTIC retention rates, and licensure pass rates in nursing, pharmacy, and physical therapy. The University is requesting $15 million in recurring funding to help address the State University System’s strategic priority to increase student success.
“This is an investment in improving the socioeconomic status of first-generation and low-income students and fulfilling critical workforce needs,” Robinson wrote in a recent op-ed to highlight the University’s legislative priorities.